Adatátvitel modern számítógép és Commodore floppy-meghajtók között

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A Commodore gépcsalád floppy-meghajtójának használata érdekes dimenziókat nyit azok számára, akik az internetről elérhető retró adattömeget elérhetővé szeretnék tenni a régi Commodor-uk, vagy éppen Primo-juk számára. Számos megoldás létezik arra, hogy korunk, vagy régebbi gépeink adatokat tudjanak írni, vagy olvasni a Commodore soros porttal rendelkező floppy meghajtókról. Többek között, az alábbi kábelek mint lehetséges megoldások:

X1541-series cables

  • X1541 cable. Serial cable to connect a Commodore drive or machine to the parallel port of a PC.
  • XE1541 extended cable. Serial cable to connect a Commodore drive or machine to the parallel port of a PC. A substitute for the X1541 cable that works with almost all PC's, including Pentium-class ones.
  • XM1541 multitask cable. Serial cable to connect a Commodore drive or machine to the parallel port of a PC. A substitute for the X1541 cable that, unlike the XE1541 extended cable, works natively under GNU/Linux and Windows, as well.
  • XA1541 active cable. Serial cable to connect a Commodore drive or machine to the parallel port of a PC. A substitute for the X1541, XE1541 extended and XM1541 multitask cables. This cable is designed to work with all PC motherboards, even those few that the XE1541 extended and XM1541 multitask cables have problems with. This cable works natively under GNU/Linux and Windows, as well.
  • XH1541 and XH1571 hybrid cables. Semi-parallel cables to connect a Commodore 1541, 1570 or 1571 drive to the parallel port of a PC. Companions for the X1541 cable.
  • XP1541 and XP1571 parallel cables. Parallel cables to connect a Commodore 1541, 1570 or 1571 drive to the parallel port of a PC. Companions for the X1541, XE1541 extended, XM1541 multitask and XA1541 active cables.

X1541-series cable combos

  • XXH1541 cable combo. A pair of X1541 cable and XH1541 or XH1571 hybrid cable, in the form of a Y-shaped cable.
  • XXP1541 cable combo. A pair of X1541 cable and XP1541 or XP1571 parallel cable, in the form of a Y-shaped cable.
  • XEP1541 cable combo. A pair of XE1541 extended cable and XP1541 or XP1571 parallel cable, in the form of a Y-shaped cable.
  • XMP1541 cable combo. A pair of XM1541 multitask cable and XP1541 or XP1571 parallel cable, in the form of a Y-shaped cable.
  • XAP1541 cable combo. A pair of XA1541 active cable and XP1541 or XP1571 parallel cable, in the form of a Y-shaped cable.

X1541-series adaptors

  • XE/M1541 adaptor. Converts an XE1541 extended cable to an XM1541 multitask cable and vice versa.
  • XEP1541 adaptor. Serves as a pair of XE1541 extended cable and XP1541 or XP1571 parallel cable, allowing you to reuse your already existing Commodore serial cable and Commodore parallel cable.
  • XMP1541 adaptor. Serves as a pair of XM1541 multitask cable and XP1541 or XP1571 parallel cable, allowing you to reuse your already existing Commodore serial cable and Commodore parallel cable.
  • XAP1541 adaptor. Serves as a pair of XA1541 active cable and XP1541 or XP1571 parallel cable, allowing you to reuse your already existing Commodore serial cable and Commodore parallel cable.

A csak soros kábelek egy része csak régebbi gépeken, szabványos soros porttal működik, a párhuzamos kábelek használatához a Commodore floppy-meghajtók kis átalakítása szükséges.