![kami911 képe kami911 képe](https://linuxmint.hu/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-133-1545347701.jpg)
A Vivaldi egy ingyenes webböngésző, amelyet a Vivaldi Technologies fejlesztett ki. A Vivaldi böngésző a régi – még Pesto – Opera böngésző funkcióit és szolgáltatásait, valamint a minimalista felhasználói felületét próbálja visszahozni, modernebb a Blink böngészőmotort használó böngésző képében. A böngésző maga zárt forráskódú, ingyenesen használható.
A Vivaldi új verziója a szerkeszthető eszköztárakkal teljes körű ellenőrzést biztosít az eszköztárak elrendezése felett, új lehetőség az alapértelmezett böngészőbeállítások egyszerű visszaállítására, valamint szinkronizálható keresőmotor az eszközök között.
A fejlesztői blog bejelentése alapján:
A Vivaldi egyik alapvetése, hogy a felhasználók testreszabást szeretnének. És hogy teljesen testreszabható felhasználói felületet biztosítsanak, még több lehetőséget nyitott meg az Ön számára, hogy olyan böngészőt hozzon létre, amely egyedi és a sajátja. Új verzió, a Vivaldi 5.3 újabb bizonyítéka annak, hogy a fejlesztők filozófiáját a gyakorlatba ültetve új funkciókat hozzanak létre.
- Megjelentek a szerkeszthető eszköztárak - így teljes mértékben Ön irányíthatja az eszköztárak elrendezését.
- Mivel a Vivaldiban szinte minden egy lehetőség, a Vivaldi beállítások minden szakaszában hozzáadtak egy alapértelmezettre visszaállítás gombot. Ezzel gyorsan és egyszerűen visszatérhet az eredeti böngészőbeállításokhoz.
- Az általános fejlesztések mellett szinkronizálható keresőmotorokat is kaptunk az asztali számítógépeken, az androidos telefonokon és táblagépeken, valamint az autókban.
- A szinkronizálható keresőmotorok, egy sokat kért funkció, ettől a frissítéstől kezdve már elérhető. Mostantól az összes keresőmotorját szinkronizálhatja az összes Vivaldi telepítésében, beleértve az asztali számítógépeket, Android telefonokat, táblagépeket, Chromebookokat és még az autókat is. A Vivaldi böngésző elérhető a Polestar és a Renault autóiban.
- Továbbiak >
- [New][Toolbars] Create a drag-and-drop toolbar customization mode (VB-70320)
- [New][Sync] Syncable search engines (VB-46482)
- [New][Settings] Reset to default for every section (VB-7696)
- [Address Bar][Privacy Statistics] Access Privacy Statistics from Blocker dialog (VB-88347)
- [Address Bar][Search] Any time I enter or change a search item it adds it to the list of typed URLs (VB-87761)
- [Address Bar][Settings] Show search queries history setting does not stick (VB-87733)
- [Address Bar] Incorrect typed history with “http://” in the address field (VB-87964)
- [Address Bar] Border around padlock (VB-89235)
- [Address Bar] Can not open autocompleted URLs (VB-89353)
- [Address Bar] Dragging icon on top of Address Bar leaves blue line (VB-89066)
- [Address Bar] Esc doesn’t clear text in address field after you click blocking level in privacy stats (VB-88567)
- [Address Bar] In Speed Dial don’t empty URL when closing tab (VB-88737)
- [Address Bar] Modifier key + click on history back/forward buttons doesn’t work as intended (VB-89106)
- [Address Bar] Search icon changes position when entering input (VB-86920)
- [Address Bar] Secure icon is behind URL (VB-89205)
- [Address Bar] Text is no longer draggable (VB-89170)
- [Address Bar] Typing and delete chars to trigger nick opens in background tab (VB-87637)
- [Address Bar][Calendar Beta] Clicking on webcal links that open in new tab result in incorrect display URL (VB-89356)
- [Address Bar][Keyboard] Ctrl key selects entire URL when it contains non-ASCII (VB-88203)
- [Address Bar][Privacy Statistics] Stops showing suggestions after you click blocking level (VB-88323)
- [Ad Blocker] Import New Blocking List shows “Loading…” forever (VB-83100)
- [Bookmarks] Becomes unusable with too many bookmarks (VB-89052)
- [Bookmarks] Folder icons are displaying as empty square icons (VB-88063)
- [Bookmarks] Renaming is broken (VB-87413)
- [Bookmarks] Replace Booking.com to Ostrovok.ru for RU and BY (VB-88690)
- [Calendar Beta][Welcome] Add account onboarding dialog broken (VB-89375)
- [Calendar Beta] Agenda view should also show the weekday (VB-87490)
- [Calendar Beta] Allow creating events with invalid types (VB-88055)
- [Calendar Beta] Can not add iCloud CalDAV account (VB-88914)
- [Calendar Beta] Can not delete 0 in “Repeat # times” input field (VB-88724)
- [Calendar Beta] Clicking “Open Calendar Settings” does nothing (VB-89084)
- [Calendar Beta] Create calendar in settings shows web calendar account as option (VB-89025)
- [Calendar Beta] Duplicate calendars when adding CalDAV account (VB-89144)
- [Calendar Beta] Duplicate notification (VB-88248)
- [Calendar Beta] Event duplication with popup editor (VB-88255)
- [Calendar Beta] Existing exception not updated from server (VB-89464)
- [Calendar Beta] Group calendars by account in menu (VB-87633)
- [Calendar Beta] May not be able to delete improperly setup Calendar (VB-88939)
- [Calendar Beta] Prevent dragging of inline editor when selecting text (VB-88154)
- [Calendar Beta] Recurring exceptions not updated for web calendar (VB-89463)
- [Calendar Beta] Repeat until / ending has of-by-1-error (VB-86771)
- [Calendar Beta] Request for fetching favicon for Mail calendar is broken (VB-88907)
- [Calendar Beta] Searching for tasks without date goes to January 1st 1970 (VB-87209)
- [Calendar Beta] Support for Webcal links missing (VB-89284)
- [Calendar Beta] Wrong color when dragging to resize (VB-87834)
- [Calendar Beta] iCal parsing error VJOURNAL (VB-89458)
- [Calendar Beta][Bookmarks] There should be a related fav icon for calendar (VB-67548)
- [Chromium] Upgraded to 102.0.5005.72
- [Context menu] “Add to Content” in Menu Setting doesn’t work (VB-89208)
- [Context menu] Can’t copy and search for text on justwatch.com (VB-89245)
- [Crash] “Randomly” after a short while (VB-88206)
- [Crash] Browser crashes randomly, particularly on macOS (VB-88607)
- [Crash] Restoring session and popup in a tab at background (VB-88471)
- [Crash] Startup crash with certain URLs in session (VB-87775)
- [Crash][Capture] When closing a tab after a capture (VB-89189)
- [Crash][Search] Fails to start if search engine list has been edited (VB-87796)
- [Drag and drop] Dragging same tab between windows breaks (VB-88738)
- [Extension] Remove extension drop-down border (VB-88074)
- [Feeds Beta] Disappear from Feed Panel after restart (VB-89193)
- [Feeds Beta] Missing empty state for Feeds panel (VB-87891)
- [Feeds Beta][Panel] Icon does not indicate new messages (VB-89065)
- [Focus] Various minor fixes (VB-89147)
- [Fullscreen] Improve fullscreen transition on youtube (VB-13303)
- [Gestures] Settings window doesn’t get closed by mouse gesture (VB-88579)
- [Guest Window] Favicons do not load for webpages (VB-86534)
- [Guest Window] Has web panels that do nothing (VB-88917)
- [Guest Window] Fully hide welcome page (VB-53692)
- [Guest Window] You can change flags (VB-54515)
- [HiDPI] Find In Page hit entry appears in the wrong place (VB-88377)
- [Icons] Update connection icons (VB-66023)
- [Inspector] Image inspector does not show (VB-89238)
- [Keyboard] ‘\’ to collapse three views (VB-88104)
- [Keyboard] Page back/forward on Lenovo Thinkpad trigger twice (VB-18941)
- [Linux][Media] Change proprietary codecs to 107578
- [Mail Beta] Ability to delete IMAP folders (VB-89291)
- [Mail Beta] Account setup frequently fails for some users (VB-89510)
- [Mail Beta] Add Account missing from All accounts context menu (VB-89263)
- [Mail Beta] Add default labels (VB-88709)
- [Mail Beta] Add filtering action: Mark as spam (VB-88839)
- [Mail Beta] Allow moving messages between accounts (VB-88735)
- [Mail Beta] Archives folder from Thunderbird client should be interpreted as being an archive folder (VB-89039)
- [Mail Beta] Attachment and file size not shown in list view (VB-81162)
- [Mail Beta] Can not edit name of filter action (VB-88841)
- [Mail Beta] Can’t tab through mail compose fields (VB-89022)
- [Mail Beta] Cannot choose custom label in filter & actions (VB-88831)
- [Mail Beta] Cannot create IMAP folder with non-ASCII characters (VB-88757)
- [Mail Beta] Correctly formatted signature beginning with “– \n” is modified by Vivaldi to add redundant “– \n” (VB-88694)
- [Mail Beta] Create an Archive folder if needed when archiving
- [Mail Beta] Deleting Labels without warning can cause dataloss (VB-89363)
- [Mail Beta] Do not hide “down arrow” in Read/unread mail button (VB-88999)
- [Mail Beta] Don’t add signature delimiter if there’s no signature (VB-87217)
- [Mail Beta] Duplicate label not recognized or IMAP decoded (VB-89408)
- [Mail Beta] Easy to cause trouble with actions when forgetting to click “add to search” (VB-84664)
- [Mail Beta] Entire mailbox marked internal and trashed on startup (VB-89505)
- [Mail Beta] Fallback to HTML for rendering method (VB-86967)
- [Mail Beta] Fix a couple of cases of filter not found errors
- [Mail Beta] Folder names with non-Latin letters not decoded in header and status popup (VB-88880)
- [Mail Beta] Ignore pending updates from a disconnected IMAP client (VB-89480)
- [Mail Beta] Indicate progress on “Check All Accounts” button in Mail Panel (VB-89001)
- [Mail Beta] Infinite loop of mail fetching (VB-80695)
- [Mail Beta] Inline images broke with Chromium 102 upgrade (VB-89209)
- [Mail Beta] Keeps prefetching non-existent message (VB-86649)
- [Mail Beta] Labels (tags) made from web-mail (like Zoho) are not synced after the initial mail sync (VB-88884)
- [Mail Beta] Microsoft mail authentication popup is shown too often (VB-84230)
- [Mail Beta] Microsoft oAuth warning text (VB-88885)
- [Mail Beta] Missing blank line between signature and quoted text when replying to plain text message with “Place signature at bottom” set (VB-87970)
- [Mail Beta] More icons in vertical view (VB-87506)
- [Mail Beta] Move list filter buttons to the left (VB-89370)
- [Mail Beta] Name and signature popup close button does not work (VB-88639)
- [Mail Beta] No error reported when starting an older version of client on a new version of DB (VB-88156)
- [Mail Beta] Not reconnected when browser is online again (VB-88972)
- [Mail Beta] Old labels are not decoded (VB-89257)
- [Mail Beta] Possible blank label without a delete option after several upgrades(VB-87395)
- [Mail Beta] Problem with synced mailing list (VB-87875)
- [Mail Beta] Rebuild and vacuum Mail search DB after (VB-88649)
- [Mail Beta] Removing a label does not clear the label (VB-88034)
- [Mail Beta] Rich Text HTML Signatures do not update when switching accounts (VB-88705)
- [Mail Beta] Rich Text Signature resets cursor to start when typing (VB-89028)
- [Mail Beta] Search input is shown when composing a new message (VB-89372)
- [Mail Beta] Searches can no longer be saved (VB-87675)
- [Mail Beta] Sending a mail with mHTML attachment gives error message (VB-88846)
- [Mail Beta] Sometimes displays gibberish instead of text (VB-87554)
- [Mail Beta] Special letters for IMAP folders displayed wrong in context menus (VB-88100)
- [Mail Beta] Status bar popup overflows with long words (VB-87793)
- [Mail Beta] Text → HTML equivalent for “Show Message as Text” (VB-89192)
- [Mail Beta] Toggle in the mail header area between HTML and plain text (VB-89048)
- [Mail Beta] Toolbar drop down arrow for flags and labels not working (VB-89060)
- [Mail Beta] Unable to move messages from folder types other than Inbox and Other (VB-88881)
- [Mail Beta] Wrap long URLs in plain text mail body (VB-86967)
- [Mail Beta][Calendar Beta] Can not close status popup by clicking on button (VB-89007)
- [Mail Beta][Calendar Beta] Status bar popup doesn’t close on action (VB-89373)
- [Mail Beta][Calendar Beta] Status buttons open at the same time (VB-89290)
- [Mail Beta][Calendar Beta] status popup doesn’t close when clicking outside popup (VB-89308)
- [Mail Beta][Menus] Rename ‘Folders’ to ‘Views’ in context menus (VB-89211)
- [Mail Beta][Panel] Allow to show and hide folder categories with context menu (VB-88911)
- [Mail Beta][Panel] Create Label is missing from context menu (VB-89256)
- [Mail Beta][Panel] Settings to re-arrange the panel (VB-86001)
- [Mail Beta][Performance] Faster startup by initializing threads in parallel
- [Mail Beta][User Agent] Set Mailer user agent to 0.9 (VB-1767)
- [Media][Windows] More robust AAC handling (VB-89287)
- [Menus] Cannot immediately view/execute shortcuts, menus, open settings window, etc… after startup (VB-83468)
- [Menus] Image properties context menu is visible on SVG “images” (VB-55728)
- [Menus] Upgrade code allows for the possibility of items in the wrong position (VB-88624)
- [Menus][Settings] Customization, can no longer edit Open Link input field (VB-86455)
- [Notes] Add text to clickable area in notes manager (VB-87862)
- [Notes] Blank icons (VB-88759)
- [Notes] Cannot create links with file protocol in it (VB-85592)
- [Notes] Manager editor placeholder lacks resize handle (VB-87975)
- [Notes] Notify on Adding New Note option is not working (VB-85992)
- [Notes] Renaming and then changing content immediately causes title to be reverted (VB-87684)
- [Notes] UI is not updated when adding attachments (VB-89293)
- [Notes][Keyboard] Ctrl+f no longer works in the manager (VB-88200)
- [Notes][Capture] “Insert Markdown” doesn’t work (VB-69439)
- [Notes][Quick Commands] Create note icon in quick command is a square (VB-89036)
- [Panel] Left floating panel is overlapping content (VB-88372)
- [Panel] Closing button should respect previous panel state (VB-87998)
- [Panel][Notes] Notifications don’t work when Open Panel Automatically is enabled (VB-88090)
- [Panel][Tabs] Pinned and Stacked Tabs Not Displayed in Window Panel (VB-84013)
- [Popout Video] Save PIP window size and position (VB-64763)
- [Privacy Statistics] Layout change (VB-87916)
- [Privacy Statistics] More options and a link to settings (VB-87915)
- [Privacy Statistics][Speed Dial] Make whole bar clickable (VB-88643)
- [Private Window] Open link in Private Window does not work (VB-88736)
- [Profiles] Button is displayed inside private windows (VB-89157)
- [Profiles] Own profile info not shown in “Manage people” (VB-88595)
- [Quick Commands] Focus address field does not work (VB-64381)
- [Quick Commands] Historic entries have wrong timestamp (VB-88363)
- [Quick Commands] Items that have exact match with query should be selected (VB-87829)
- [Quick Commands] Panels shouldn’t be accessible if they are not enabled (VB-88842)
- [Quick Commands] URL gets file protocol after a brief second (VB-88653)
- [Search Engine] Add Qwant for Canada (VB-88111)
- [Search] Add Yelp search to the US default list (VB-89146)
- [Search] Entries created by user should not be treated as auto-generated (VB-87855)
- [Search] Make override of default search engines by extensions fully opt-in (VB-88169)
- [Search] Migration script can import old removed pre-populated searches (VB-87854)
- [Search] Migration script can set the wrong default (VB-87853)
- [Search] Revert some accidentally modified URLs in legacy pre-populated searched (VB-87976)
- [Search] Search engine with undefined suggest URL can crash migration (VB-88702)
- [Search] Search selection with engine not working as part of a command chain (VB-87629)
- [Search][Settings] Allow removal of Speed dial and search field selected engines (VB-87681)
- [Search][Speed Dial] Search isn’t remembered (VB-87680)
- [Service worker] Don’t allow users to unregister background service worker (VB-88683)
- [Session] Cannot restore a saved session if it contains a tab stack (VB-89077)
- [Session] Remember last state of “Open Session” (VB-89179)
- [Settings][Keyboard] Chain shortcuts not displayed in Settings (VB-88905)
- [Spatial Navigation] URL of selected element not shown on status bar (VB-87920)
- [Speed Dial] Change default Thumbnail Size (VB-87917)
- [Speed Dial] Keep search text when switching tabs (VB-54596)
- [Speed Dial] Search field dropdown appears behind Speed Dials or default search engine suggestion (VB-89085)
- [Speed Dial] Search privacy notification layout seems broken (VB-88883)
- [Speed Dial] Search engine change affects tracker/blocker position (VB-88815)
- [Tabs] Always load pinned tab setting doesn’t work (VB-88753)
- [Tabs] Add confirmation to closing 10+ tabs (VB-88893)
- [Tabs] Bar on left don’t free its space when switched to top (VB-88408)
- [Tabs] Broken on the left when resizing (VB-88017)
- [Tabs] Close right/left tab inconsistent behaviour (VB-85031)
- [Tabs] Having two tab stacks, dragging a tab past the first stack into the second stack will scramble the order of the first stack (VB-88960)
- [Tabs] Not resizable while tab bar is set to left (VB-88257)
- [Tabs] Remove tab spacing in maximized windows stopped working (VB-88276)
- [Tabs] Selection outline stuck in tab bar after dragging tab out and in (VB-82932)
- [Tabs] Sound icon on the Speed Dial popup (VB-87511)
- [Tabs] Toggling off “show tab bar” leaves blank space when vertical (VB-88139)
- [Tabs] Vertical tab bar auto-scrolling is too aggressive and inconsistent (VB-88698)
- [Tabs][Settings] Wrong tab cycling behavior with right mouse + scroll wheel when “Show tab cycler” is disabled (VB-37067)
- [Tabs][Themes] Drag tabs over another tab might leave that tab with accent color (VB-88739)
- [Translate] List of translated items in translation history is half height (VB-88498)
- [Translate][Panels] Doesn’t submit with language drop-down selected (VB-88006)
- [UI] Grey background with V logo rendered too frequently (VB-87985)
- [UI] Minimum font size of Webpages influences browser UI (VB-86547)
- [Welcome] “Essentials” shows panel toggle (VB-89410)
- [Window Management] New window opens black if first is private (VB-86786)
- [Window Management][Menus][Tabs] Dragging tab to create a window fails, as does context menu “move to new window” (VB-89447)
- [Windows][Installer] Should disable change folder UI for system installs (VB-89068)
- [Windows][Media] Some videos failing for certain users (VB-89019)
- [Zoom] Indicator in status bar is not editable (VB-88409)
- [macOS] Opening URL not working if no window open (VB-85202)
- [macOS][Fullscreen video] Partially broken when tabs are on the left (VB-88236)
- [macOS][Keyboard][Developer Tools] Change default shortcut to ⌘⌥I (VB-88720)