Beküldte kami911 -
Speciális változó fájlnevek esetén:
FOR %%? IN ("C:\somefile\path\file.txt") DO ( ECHO File Name Only : %%~n? ECHO File Extension : %%~x? ECHO Name in 8.3 notation : %%~sn? ECHO File Attributes : %%~a? ECHO Located on Drive : %%~d? ECHO File Size : %%~z? ECHO Last-Modified Date : %%~t? ECHO Drive and Path : %%~dp? ECHO Drive : %%~d? ECHO Fully Qualified Path : %%~f? ECHO FQP in 8.3 notation : %%~sf? ECHO Location in the PATH : %%~dp$PATH:? )
For %%A in ("%filename%") do ( echo full path: %%~fA echo directory: %%~dA echo path: %%~pA echo file name only: %%~nA echo extension only: %%~xA echo expanded path with short names: %%~sA echo attributes: %%~aA echo date and time: %%~tA echo size: %%~zA echo drive + path: %%~dpA echo name.ext: %%~nxA echo full path + short name: %%~fsA